Freitag, 27. September 2013



You can paste the following codes into either "HED_Brow" or "HED_Addon" in the Raw>Player>Appearance>Headmorph>Texture Parameters menu. This way you may use any combination of two beards (or eyebrows) that you want.

Note: if your facial hair is black putting one beard over another makes it extremely dark, which some people might not like as your eyebrows might look very light in comparison.

for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 - tested!

You need Gibbed Save Editor!

-Beard Codes

Beards from ME2 characters, have eyebrows "built-in":
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.HMM_HED_PRO_Add1  Pressly's beard
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.HMM_HED_PRO_Add2  Aresh's beard
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.HMM_HED_PRO_Add3  Wilson's beard (full stubble, not goatee)
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.HMM_HED_PRO_Add4  Vido's beard

Default beard codes are:

Same as the ME2 ones, except these have no eyebrows:
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.Custom.HMM_HED_PROCustom_Add1  Pressley's beard
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.Custom.HMM_HED_PROCustom_Add2  Aresh's beard
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.Custom.HMM_HED_PROCustom_Add3  Wilson's beard
BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Beard.Custom.HMM_HED_PROCustom_Add4  Vido's beard

-Eyebrow codes


-Advanced Modding

If you'd like to use one of the beard/brow combos without having custom brows interfere you can give yourself blank brows.
In the "HED_Brow" line add: BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Base.HMM_HED_PROCustom_Blank_Norm

You can also change how dark or light your facial hair appears by changing the value of "HED_Addn_Blowout_Scalar" in the Raw>Player>Appearance>Headmorph>Scalar Parameters menu.

These values increase in increments of .5 and can be set as high or as low you like. The default is usually "1.15"

To make beard/brow combos appear darker and more natural set the value to something between "1.6 - 1.8"

 Pressly's beard

 Vido's beard

For more Pics send in Commentar =)

Have Fun =)

ME3 Joker's Teeth Fixed

ME3 Joker's Teeth Fixed  

Texmod that fixes the issue with Joker's teeth.
There was a slight issue with Joker's teeth that makes them appear very dark in game, this Texmod fixes the issue. No other element of Joker's appearance was touched.

  • Mass Effect 3
  • Texmod 
Made by Sundance31us

Joker's teeth fixes
--> here 

Thanks to Sundance31us for this Mod =)

ME3 Alliance Mess Dress Uniform

ME3 Alliance Mess Dress Uniform by Sundance31us

Alliance variations based on General Petrovsky's uniform from Omega DLC.
Male & Female Models Supported
Variation_001: White, black and red jacket, red Mandarin collared shirt, black pants (w/blood stripe trimmed with gold), Lt. Commander shoulder boards (black & gold), Alliance Medal of Honor neck medal (green, white and gold).
Variation_002: White & red jacket, red Mandarin collared shirt, black pants (w/blood stripe trimmed with gold), Lt. Commander shoulder boards (black & gold), Alliance Medal of Honor neck medal (green, white and gold).

Requires ME3 & Texmod.

Made by Sundance31us

--> here 

--> here 

Thanks to Sundance31us =)

ME2 & 3 - Star Wars: A New Hope Comforter and Bedding

ME2 & 3 - Star Wars: A New Hope Comforter and Bedding by Sundance31us

Texmod to replaces the plain comforter and bedding in the Captain's Cabin with Star Wars: A New Hope comforter and bedding. (Will work in ME3)
Texmod to replaces the plain comforter and bedding in the Captain's Cabin with Star Wars: A New Hope comforter and bedding.
- Requires Texmod.
Replaced "Star Wars" on pillow with X-Wing.

Made by Sundance31us

Version 2.00
--> here 

Version 1.00
--> here 

Thanks to Sundance31us 

Play as Liara in Mass Effect 2

Play as Liara in ME2 Mod by kumquats

The player can wear Liara as armor with this ini.

IMPORTANT: Please save your coalesced.ini in an backup folder!
How to use:
NumPad 8: The Liara 'reveal'. If you didn't play LotSB yet, you have to reaveal her or you won't see the armor.
NumPad 9: You can wear armor on the Normandy, it will not work in all cutscenes, like the Romance scenes.
NumPad 7: You can open the armor UI everywhere to change into Liara. If her skin looks kind of brownish, change into the Cerberus armor and back. She should be blue again.

Play as Adept: I removed the heavy weapons and the shotguns in this ini for better screenshots and because you just have to play Liara as an Adept.

Have fun! 

Made by kumquats

--> here 

Thanks to kumquats for this Mod =)

ME 2: Jack Default Armor & Face Textures

ME 2: Default Armor & Face Textures for Jack by RilantheFirebug

Black Jack by RilantheFirebug =)

Retexture of Jack's face and default clothing/armor (nonloyal). RilantheFirebug uses textures from her loyalty outfit's shirt and changes the colors of her pants to a more neutral, Jack friendly (why would she wear bright orange?) color. Changes Jack's makeup as well; darker, crimson lips and changes the red hue around her eyes to black and/or gray.

Made by RilantheFirebug

Thanks to RilantheFirebug for this Black Jack =)

[Rilan]ME2 -- Black Jack
--> here 

Retexture of Garrus's casual outfit from ME2.

Retexture of Garrus's casual outfit from ME2 by ELE08

This will change Garrus's original blue and green casual outfit to blue and black.
For use with texmod.
Made by ELE08

Thanks to ELE08 for this =)

Garrus's casual outfit blue and black
-->  here

Made by ELE08

ME2 Jack's alternate appearance pack outfit

Jack alt outfit *texmod* ME2 by ELE08

Reskin of Jack's alternate appearance pack outfit.

- green and brown
- blue and grey
- blue and grey sleeveless

For use with texmod.

Package = BioH_END_convict_02 

Made by ELE08

Thanks to ELE08 for this =)

Green and brown version

--> here
Blue and grey sleeveless. 

--> here
 Blue and grey version.

-->  here

Thanks to ELE08 =)

Mass Effect 2 and 3 face code to Mass Effect sliders Converter

Mass Effect 2 and 3 face code to Mass Effect sliders converter by Tup3xi

Mass Effect 2 and 3* face code to Mass Effect sliders converter. Generates ME1 (ME2 and ME3 too) compatible sliders text file from ME2 face code. "ME2 face code to ME1 converter."

*Keep in mind that new additions will naturally not be available in ME1 and 2. New values might not be the same in ME1 & 2. In any case, it will give correct slider positions for ME3 face code in ME3. Colours may be different in each game.

HTML version works with any browser that supports HTML5. 

Pure JavaScript & HTML version (works without internet connection) which should work with any modern browser. Version 1.2. - Cleaned some CSS and fixed it to match newest draft. - This is the preferred version. 
--> here 

Thanks to Tup3xi for this FaceCodeConverter =)


Alternative ME3 Jane

Alternative ME3 Jane by JRsV 

An attempt at recreating some of the female Shepards from the ME3 art for ME1 + ME2 + ME3 on PC and Xbox by JRsV.

Thanks to JRsV for this =)

 ME3 head-morph --> here

ME2 head-morph --> here

ME1 slider settings --> here 

For ME2 JRsV added the slightly different codes, as well as mildly modded head-morphs. Next JRsV translated these codes to ME1 slider settings, using the Face Code Converter by Tup3xi.

For the complete look in ME2 and ME3, the head-morph files are needed. Using these requires Gibbed Save editor.

Gibbed for ME2 is available here:

Gibbed for ME3:

Information about using Gibbed to edit Xbox saves:

ME3 creation screen codes:

Red hair: 141.E59.DD1.T14.F1A.12T.FNQ.121.DF8.1C2.2G5.376
Blond hair: 141.E59.DD1.T14.F1A.1HT.FNQ.121.DF8.1C8.2G5.376
Black hair: 131.E59.DD1.T14.F1A.15T.FNQ.121.DF8.1C7.2G5.376

ME2 creation screen codes:

Red hair: 143.E59.DD1.R14.F1A.13T.HNQ.121.DE8.1C4.2G6.376
Blond hair: 143.E59.DD1.R14.F1A.17T.HNQ.121.DE8.1C1.2G6.376
Black hair: 133.E59.DD1.R14.F1A.17T.HNQ.121.DE8.1C7.2G6.376

JRsV -->

JRsV Project -->

Mass Effect 3 Character Mods

Mass Effect 3 Character Mods by Razyx

Outfits, faces..., everything around ME3 characters by Razyx.

Thanks to Razyx for the Mods =)

N7 Recon Skull Hood

--> here

Liara combat outfit (1024x1024) 

--> here

Dancers outfit.

--> here

Shepard casual dress -female- 4 combos (1024x1024). 

--> here

....more on -->

Mass Effect 2 Amor parts and Patterns

Mass Effect 2 Amor parts and Patterns by Razyx

Featured File: Kestrel armor - male and female - by Razyx

Thanks to Razyx for this =)

Shoulder pads with Cerberus or Alliance logo. Female and Male

--> here

Recon Skull Hood. - Female and Male.

--> here

MFKestrel (Metal + Fiber Texture). Kestrel Armor (Aegis Pack). Three patterns (ME2 pattern1, Colossus, THC). All fully customizable armor parts. Female and Male version. 

--> here

Through the colour sliders get some ME1 armors. Female version.

--> here

No second layer on Sentinel's shield (tech armor). 

--> here

Metal Pack. 3 Patterns (Colossus, Elite and Cammo Z) + Metal Texture. All (run+ greaves included) fully customizable armor parts (grvs v2.5). Female version.

--> here

Glowing N7 Helmet 2 - Female and Male.

--> here

....more on -->

Mass Effect 2 Character Mods II

Mass Effect 2 Character Mods II by Razyx

Everything around characters by Razyx.

Thanks to Razyx for the Mods =)

Shepard's military outfit (and crew), with and without Alliance logo (2 TPF). (Res. 1024x1024). Replaces the Cerberus outfit. Male and Female.

--> here

Miranda's Loyal outfit v.2 (no brown color) -Rev.2- (Res. 1024x1024) 

--> here

Miranda's hair - dark blond / light brown - (Res. 1024x1024)

--> here


...and more on -->

Mass Effect 2 Character Mods

Mass Effect 2 Character Mods by Razyx

 Razyx hat einige Mods für ME2 erstellt.

Outfits, faces, weapons..., everything around characters

Thanks to Razyx for the Mods =) 

Shepard's formal dress. Full white, with and without tattoo. Female version. (Res. 1024x1024)

--> here

Shepard's formal dress. Shiny and "smooth" leather template - Rev.1. It will work with any formal dress but the color could be darker ("light map" changed). Female version.

--> here

Miranda's New Main Outfit. - 2nd Rev.- (Res. 1024x1024)

--> here

Miranda's New Main (2) Outfit. - 2nd Rev.- (Res. 1024x1024)

--> here

 Tali's New Main Outfit -purple or brown- (Res. 1024x1024).

--> here

 Jacob's New Main Outfit - 1st Rev.- (Res. 1024x1024)

--> here

Miranda's Outfit - Cerberus armor - (Rev.1). Two TPF files, main and/or loyal outfit (Res. 1024x1024) 

--> here

....and more on -->

Mass Effect High Res Textures: Trilogy Edition by JeanLuc761

Mass Effect High Res Textures: Trilogy Edition by JeanLuc761 =)

Thanks for JeanLuc761 for this Textures/Mods =)

Offizielle Seite vom Thread 

Wer gerne möchte das sein Mass Effect etwas schicker aussieht, z.b. in HD, dann empfehle ich euch schaut in diesem Thread vorbei ;)
Die Textures sind für Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3 vorhanden.

Verwendung der Modifikationen auf eigene Verantwortung (es lohnt sich aber *grins*)
Usage of the modifications at your own risk (it's worth it *grin*)

Hier braucht für die Textures das Programm Texmod und das Programm Txmod könnt ihr euch im Thread von JeanLuc761 herunterladen.

Texture-Downloads (here by JeanLuc)


ME1: Garrus Vakarian Low-Res Face Fix
ME1: Dr. Chakwas Lab Coat (2048x2048 )
ME1: Dr. Liara T'Soni (2048x2048 )
ME1: Default Shepard Face (2048x2048 )


ME2: DefaultShep_ME2Revised (4096x4096)
ME2: Garrus Vakarian Revised (4096x4096)
ME2: Grunt Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Jack (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Jacob Taylor Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Kasumi Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Legion Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Dr. Liara T'Soni LotSB (4096x4096)
ME2: Miranda Lawson Final Revised (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Miranda Lawson HalfVisor (4096x4096)
ME2: Mordin Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: NormandyUniform Optimized
ME2: N7Armor-Female (4096x4096)
ME2: N7Armor-Male (4096x4096)
ME2: Samara Final (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Shepard-CerberusCasual (4096x4096)
ME2: Shepard-Formal (4096x4096)
ME2: Shepard-KestralArmor (4096x4096)
ME2: Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy (4096x4096)
ME2: Thane Krios (4096x4096) / Optimized variant
ME2: Zaeed Optimized


ME3: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy DEFAULT OUTFIT (4096x4096)
ME3: Legion (4096x4096)
ME3: Miranda Lawson
ME3: Miranda Lawson ALT OUTFIT
ME3: Mordin Solus
ME3: Samara
ME3: Ashley "Restoration" Patch
ME3: Grunt (4096x4096)

Quelle: Bioware-Forum-Thread: Jean-Luc's High Res Textures: Trilogy Edition
Mod-Autor: JeanLuc761

More -->

Claire Shepard

Das ist meine femshep =) 

Ich persönlich mag die Standard Shepard lieber, aber es gibt auch sehr gut aussehende femsheps die von anderen selbst erstellt worden sind ;)

  • Claire Shepard

  • Full Paragon & bissle Renegade

  • Wächter

  • Earthborn

  • War Hero

    Romance Liara

Marc Shepard

Das hier ist mein maleshep: Marc Shepard

  • Marc Shepard

  • Paragon & ein bisschen Renegade

  • Infiltrator

  • Earthborn 

  • War Hero

    Romance Jack